Surprisingly I’m not often asked what I use when painting, perhaps people assume that if you’re advertising and experienced then everything will be ok.
However I would always urge anyone considering having their kitchen or furniture painted that they DO ask and ensure that the correct materials are being used and applied accordingly. Pride in painting not only comes from attention to detail and skilled execution, it’s as much about durability and longevity too.
Thus it is with ‘pride’ that I can tell you what I use as my ‘go-to’ top coat for the bulk of my kitchen and general furniture work both for spraying and hand painting ……. Valentine’s Valacryl. http://www.valentine.es
Valacryl is a water borne acrylic enamel of the highest quality and is suitable for painting wood, MDF, metal, plaster and cement – properly primed it will also cover glass , multi-purpose or what!
It’s touch dry in 30 mins and re-paintable within 6 hours which means onsite kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms all remain functional and going like a bat- out -of – hell 2 coats can be done in one day.
Unlike the oils and synthetic paints of old it doesn’t yellow with age and withstands the rigours of the sun, yes it’s for use externally too. It’s flexible, able to expand and contract without cracking or splitting.
The Bio-Proof certificate it has ensures that the painted surfaces inhibit the growth of bacteria, mould and micro-organisms so ideal for kitchens and bathrooms.
Valacryl has an A+ certificate (the maximum) for air quality within a house, 100% free from toxic substances found in synthetic paints and laquers, it’s recommended for use with people suffering from asthma or other respiratory dificulties.
10 years ago I had to give up painting with 2-pac solvent based paints because of occupational- asthma. This is completely odourless and you’re not half dead at the end of the day!
Valacryl also has a fire resistant certificate Bs1dO.
It’s a paint product that’s washable and easy to clean and recommended for use in zones where dirt can accumulate ie. kitchens and bathrooms.
Today, water-based paints dominate and account for roughly 80% of paints sold in the residential market and legislation is in place to support this trend.
From a performance standpoint, advances in paint technology mean that high quality water-based paints are in many respects equal to or out-performing their solvent based equivalents. High quality acrylic enamels like Valacryl offer excellent durability, quick drying times and are odourless.
In order to achieve the very best finish prepare well first, always use the best quality paint and combine it with a really good, compatible primer.
Happy painting!
Monto, Procolor, Dokapi to name a few are all noteworthy brand names here in Spain too, I just like consistency and know where all the Valentine deco centres are on the coast! I’ve also known Leo from Pinturas Torremolinos (my main Valentine supplier) since he was an apprentice working at Pinturas Andalucia 24 years ago, he’s immensely knowledgeable and let’s me play around with the machine for troublesome colour matching.